Selected candidates are required to register for the degree programme. At the registration a candidate should pay registration fee, the whole or a part (minimum 25%) of the academic fee, library fee, student society fee and any other fees as applicable. The initial registration is valid only for one year and should be renewed by the student annually by paying registration renewal fee until all requirements of the degree are completed. A selected candidate may be registered as a regular student, provisional student, casual student or an exchange student.
Types of Student Requests
The requests may include the following: amendment of personal information in registration, exemptions of courses, changes in courses, change of degree programmes, deferment of programme, deferment of examinations, changes in thesis title, appointment of supervisors and amendments, withdrawal/cancellation of degree programmes, extension of programme duration beyond the maximum limit, and any other matter relating to study programmes.
Submission of Students Requests
Requests of students of coursework degree or diploma programme will be submitted to the Assistant Registrar of the Institute through the relevant Postgraduate Programme Coordinator.
Requests of students of research degree programme will be submitted to the Assistant Registrar of the Institute the thesis supervisor/s.
Students are allowed to submit requests directly to the Assistant Registrar of the Institute in cases where conflict/s between student and programme coordinator and/or supervisor/s are evident.
Approval of Student Requests
The relevant Board of Study is the authority of approving/ not approving the student request. The date of the meeting of the Board of Study which approved/not approved the request will be the effective date of the decision on student request.
Other Student Requests
Requests regarding payments of fees, refund of fees, appointment of supervisors, letters of student status, degree/diploma certificates and academic transcripts may be directly submitted to the Assistant Registrar of the Institute.
Student Request Form(PGIHS/STU/Form 003)
Detailed Certificate Request Form (PGIHS/GEN/Form 001)
Refund of Library Deposit (PGIHS/GEN/Form 002)
Transcript Request Form (PGIHS/GEN/Form 003)